I understand the dev probably made this game to be challenging, but some of these things are just stupid. Not to mention to overpowered gym leaders that force you to grind against the small variety of wild pokemon available. But these things Ive mentioned really tick me off. Ash gray is a great remake that is fun, no doubt. I am a seasoned pokemon nerd - been playing these games off and on. Theres some more shit too, like the holes in hidden village - unless you know dig or escape rope, you are fucked.

All that time absolutely wasted training mankey/primape because an event made it useless (it doesnt obey me now) and like i said, its not even the same primape. Frankly? This is my biggest complaint of all. ITS NOT EVEN THE SAME FUCKING PRIMAPE, and now its completely useless because of in game event. Primape - Are you F*cking kidding me? I spent A LOT of time training a mankey / primape to be able to actually compete in this game, and then the mankey / primape event happens in the game and guess what? Now MY primape that ive had and trained a lot BEFORE the event wont obey me. Also considering there are literally no other fire types to be found. Like abra, drowsee, ect.Ĭharmeleon - I understand charizard didnt obey ash - fine - but charmeleon? Stupid that hes useless as well. which are the ones that actually are good. Pretty normal, but all the 5% rare exclusives sem to be taken out of the game. Seriously? Im at celedon city, and the only wild pokemon I have seen available to catch and train are weedle, cataprie, ratatta, pidgey, spearow, oddish, ekans, meowth, I think thats it. Submission Filter Image Only Image Only No Image No Image Media Only Media Only No Media No Media Discussion Only Discussion Only No Discussion No Discussion Info Only Info Only No Info No Info Art Only Art Only No Art No Art Crafts Only Crafts Only No Crafts No Crafts Memes Only Memes Only No Memes No Memes Venting Venting No Venting No Venting No Art & No Venting No Art & No Venting No Memes & No Venting No Memes & No Venting Clear Filter Clear Filter Event Calendar Monday at 9:00 UTC to Wednesday at 9:00 UTC only.Rare candycode breaker82025840 00442.Master ball.

Friday at 17:00 UTC to Monday at 9:00 UTC hey guys welcome back to the New videowear take vacine okPokemon Ash gray cheat codes1.Thank you to /u/infinitycore for our Snoolax logo, to /u/DrBlagueur for optimizing our BDSP header, and to the Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project for the Galar Pokémon box icon sprites used on this subreddit! Happiness modifier 01xx45da 00 for lowest happiness, ff for highest.
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